Welcome Home Parents!

Welcome to the easiest and most effective way to begin a homeschool program for your children. Here you will find lessons, themes, subjects, and development guides for your child, to grow and learn at their pace, and to keep up with in-classroom teaching. How can we do this? Because a 25 year veteran of teaching and administration designed the program; Dr Lynne Hartman. 

Get Your Free Quick Start Guide

The Home School Arsenal is all your children will need to meet the challenges of learning at home. To get started download the free quick start guide with reports and suggestions in an 8-page easy-to-use guide, used by teachers in classrooms nationwide. 

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Lessons, Instructions, Arming Yourself and Your Kids for the Future

The HomeSchool Arsenal is the place to find your road map to homeschooling, that will lead your children into the future. With daily lessons, set up in fun for everyone themes and subjects, like Space, and Money, there is something for all kids with levels of K, lower elementary, upper elementary and middle school. No more restrictive grades, but fun and educational levels.

Meet Dr. Lynne Hartman

25 years + in designing and implementing curriculum!

Dr. Hartman has been educating young people since 1987. Today she homeschools her adopted 9-year-old son and her 13-year-old adopted son. Her work has lead her to assess and help hundreds of schools all across the country, on how to implement lessons that will help the needs of individual students. She calls this special way of teaching Process Learning

Themes that are lessons

Homeschooling is different from school in a multistudent classroom in a brick and mortar school building. The formalized way lessons are delivered leaves many kids behind. Remote learning from the same brick-and-mortar classrooms leaves even more children behind. Homeschooling can be a great way to advance the needs of the child to the forefront. Even multiple children of differing ages can benefit from Process Learning at home. Process Learning for the homeschooler is delivered via themes. Themes such as space, money, transportation, jobs, and many more, deliver learning according to your childs needs.

The Solar System

Discover the planets, check out the samples to see the first week of this theme totally for free.


They are tiny, sometimes troublesome, often scarey looking, but insects play a vital role in the world ecology. Coming soon


Often mysterious, and unexplored, the oceans hold the key to the worlds climate, and its changing rapidly. Coming Soon


There are so many animals on the Earth, that classifying them takes legions of scientists, on land, sea and in the air, animals are our constant companions. Coming Soon

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Staten Island NYC 10312

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